DIY or Custom Website…Which is Right For you?

DIY templates have become SUPER popular over the last year or two. Buying and using a Squarespace template a few years ago, is actually what inspired me to become a Squarespace web designer myself! I seriously found it a lot of fun to build, edit and style it all myself when I was starting out (plus I had the time) but when is a template right for you? Has your business outgrown you DIY template? When is it time to make the switch. To template - Or not to template! That is the question (I’ll be answering in this blog post)

When to use a website template?

  • You want a website up and FAST!

    Your business is new (0-2 years old) and you want that baby up FAST to start offering your services or selling your products. A template is usually the answer. You can technically have a site up with in a few days. Can’t beat with that!

  • Low Cost.

    Yep - a template is obviously a lot cheaper than getting a custom website built for you, and if you’re just starting your business, this can be a big plus!

  • It’s a good way to learn the platform.

    If you’re making the changes yourself - it’s really a great way to learn the platform your website is on, Squarespace, Showit or whatever it is. This is how I started to learn Squarespace!

  • You just love the designer!

    Maybe you’ve found a designer you connect with and love their work, but you’re not ready to work with them JUST yet. Do they sell a template? That’s a great way to start! Maybe down the track you can work with them 1-1, and this can be your little taste of working together.

When to invest in a custom website?

  • You’ve outgrown your template.

    You’ve been in your business a few years now, but still using that template that was never custom to you or your services. You’re ready to have something that is designed specifically for you and your offerings.

  • Your current website just isn’t serving you.

    It’s ok, it happens! I’ve updated my website recently because it just wasn’t serving my ideal client anymore. Why not invest in a web designer to figure out how to achieve this? Re-branding or launching a new site is a great way to attract new clients or customers or let them know you’re still here!

  • You just don’t have the time!

    Hey you’re a busy entrepreneur, killing it right now with all your other responsibilities, you just don’t have the time to update or build a website, book in with a designer you vibe with and let them take the stress out of it for you!

If you’re new in the business, or you desperately need an update, there are plenty of options for you! I hope this helps you narrow which option is right for you.

If you’d like to get in touch about working together on a beautiful, handcrafted website - take a look at my services or get in-touch!

OR if the DIY template is what tickles your fancy - check out my template store!

x Lucy.C


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